Counseling Center
Scholarships- Glide/ ROSEBURG COMMUNITY
Scholarships- Glide/ ROSEBURG COMMUNITY
Cascade Community Credit Union- Pathfinder Scholarship
The Pathfinder scholarship is available to members of Cascade Community Credit Union. Applicants must be enrolling in an eligible institution, which is generally any accredited post-secondary institution. Graduating seniors must have a 2.5 cumulative grade point average. Application can be viewed and completed at the following link- Due date is March 21, 2025
Pacific Crest Federal Credit Union
Pacific Crest Federal Credit Union has four (4) $1,000 scholarships available to members. These are renewable scholarships and are based on service in the community, academic performance, leadership and financial need. You will need Adobe Acrobat to open the application. The application can be found at this link: Due Date is March 31, 2025.
SELCO Scholarships Deadline: March 31
Each year SELCO Community Credit Union awards 20 scholarships to exceptional high school seniors continuing their education. If you or an immediate family member is a member of SELCO Community Credit Union and are planning to attend an accredited two- or four-year college or university, you may be eligible for a $ 3,500 SELCO Scholarship to help with tuition and other educational expenses.
FNRA (Friends of NRA) Scholarship Deadline: April 1
Fifteen scholarships will be awarded. 1st - $5,000, 2nd-3rd $4,000 each, 4th-8th $2,000 each, and 9th-15th $1,000 each. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!
Due date: April 1, 2025
The Douglas County Livestock Association Scholarships are available to High School seniors who will be graduating from an accredited Oregon public or private high school in Douglas County, and plan to enroll in an Agriculture, Forestry, or related field major, Homeschool high school senior who will be graduating from a homeschool program and plan to enroll in an Agriculture, Forestry, or related field major, and current full-time College students who are enrolled in an Agriculture, Forestry, or related field major and who are graduates of an accredited Oregon public or private high school in Douglas County and Current full-time College students who are enrolled in an Agriculture, Forestry, or related field major and who are graduates of an accredited Oregon public or private high school in Douglas County. Please click HERE to apply.
Associated Oregon Loggers Deadline: April 1
AOL offers scholarships for high school seniors and current college students seeking to work in Oregon. Eligible education and training programs include associate and undergraduate degrees offered at a Technical School, Community College, or University along with any forestry related training program such as an apprenticeship, CDL program, or relevant certification program necessary to engage in forestry operations. You do not have to be related to a member of AOL to apply for these scholarships. Possible award amount: 4-year programs at Universities: Up to $6000; $1500 annual award, 2-year programs at Community Colleges: Up to $1500; $750 annual award. If recipient transfers to a qualifying University program, renewal is possible at the higher $1500 annual award rate.
J Mann Realty Scholarship
Due date: April 2nd
This scholarship is for graduation seniors who are college or trade school bound with a 2.5 or better GPA. Has been involved 2 out of 4 years of high school in 2 extra-curricular activites including but not limited to volunteering, sports, band, 4-H, jor or leadership. The winner will be awared a $1,000. Click HERE to read application directions, and Click HERE to apply.
Cow Creek Scholarship
Due April 04, 2025
The Cow Creek Band of the Umpqua Tribe of Indians offers one scholarship of $1,500 to each high school in Douglas County for a student attending UCC. The criteria for the scholarship are :
- Scholastic effort and commitment (no minimum GPA required)
- Potential for college-level work
- Good citizenship and behavior
- Motivation and industriousness
- Attending UCC
Oregon Pacific Bank Deadline: April 4
This scholarship was established in 1981 to encourage and recognize outstanding high school seniors in our communities. Five scholarships are awarded annually. Applicant does NOT need to be a bank customer. Primary consideration in selecting the candidate will focus on leadership in community service or extra-curricular activities while maintaining credible academic achievement. Applicants must be in the current year graduating class in the following schools or geographic areas: Siuslaw High School (Florence, Oregon), Mapleton High School (Mapleton, Oregon), Douglas County, Coos County, Jackson County, Eugene/Springfield area.
Rat Rod Round-Up Deadline: April 14
Rat Rod Round-Up has one $1,500 and two $1,000 scholarships to award to seniors who are choosing to pursue a trade career after graduation (examples include: automotive and/or diesel mechanic, welder, plumber, electrician, mason, carpenter, heavy equipment operator, truck driver, HVAC technician). See scholarship summary for more details.
Glide Revitalization
Glide Revitalization is offering two scholarships:Carmen Bernal Compassionate Nursing Scholarship
Due April 15, 2025
This scholarship will support first-year nursing students who have graduated from Glide High School.
This scholarship is named the “Carmen Bernal Compassionate Nursing Scholarship” to honor the
extraordinary compassionate values embodied by Carmen Bernal throughout her career.
Graduates of Glide High School who are planning to enter their first year of nursing school can apply for
this scholarship. This cohort can include any age group or educational level that is entering a 2-year or 4-year nursing
program. Click HERE to apply
This scholarship is named the “Carmen Bernal Compassionate Nursing Scholarship” to honor the
extraordinary compassionate values embodied by Carmen Bernal throughout her career.
Graduates of Glide High School who are planning to enter their first year of nursing school can apply for
this scholarship. This cohort can include any age group or educational level that is entering a 2-year or 4-year nursing
program. Click HERE to apply
Skilled Trade Scholarship
Due April 15, 2025
Glide Revitalization is proud to announce the 'Glide Revitalization Skilled Trade Scholarship' (GRSTS), an
initiative to support the next generation of skilled trade professionals from Glide High School. The
scholarship, valued at $1,500, is designed to assist students and alumni pursuing trade programs in
welding, electrical work, plumbing, mechanics, technician work, and related disciplines.
This scholarship will support first-year trade or vocational students who have graduated from Glide High
School.This scholarship is named the “Glide Revitalization Skilled Trade Scholarship” to honor the rich history of
trade professionals and the past timber industry of Glide, Oregon.
Glide High School graduates or Alumni planning to enter their first year of a trade program or vocational
school are eligible to apply. Click HERE to apply
initiative to support the next generation of skilled trade professionals from Glide High School. The
scholarship, valued at $1,500, is designed to assist students and alumni pursuing trade programs in
welding, electrical work, plumbing, mechanics, technician work, and related disciplines.
This scholarship will support first-year trade or vocational students who have graduated from Glide High
School.This scholarship is named the “Glide Revitalization Skilled Trade Scholarship” to honor the rich history of
trade professionals and the past timber industry of Glide, Oregon.
Glide High School graduates or Alumni planning to enter their first year of a trade program or vocational
school are eligible to apply. Click HERE to apply
Cow Creek Ag Scholarship Due April 15
The Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians is offering two scholarships for Douglas County seniors who are exhibiting livestock in their 2025 county fair. $7,500
Oregon PTA Teacher Education Scholarship Deadline: April 15 (received in their office)
The Oregon PTA Teacher Education Scholarship is for Oregon residents who are studying for a teaching degree at an Oregon public college or university. The scholarship is a one-time award of $1,000 and is not renewable. Scholarship recipients may, however, re-apply in subsequent years.
Sutherlin Throwdown Scholarship Deadline: April 18, 2025
The Sutherlin Throwdown Scholarship exists to support individuals pursuing a career in the trades. We understand that these careers are valuable and they provide essential services for which there will always be a need. We value individuals who have shown a strong work ethic and determination to fulfill their goals. This scholarship will assist the recipient(s) on their career path by providing financial assistance toward technical schooling, trade school, or apprenticeship programs.
Ben Serafin Scholarship of the Oregon Community Foundation
Due Date: April 24th at 4:00pm in the counseling center.
The Ben Serafin scholarship is now available. The Ben Serafin Foundation offers multiple scholarships to current and past students from the Glide School District. The scholarships have typically ranged in value from $1,500- $6,500. Students can be awarded the scholarship for 4 years, but must reapply each year. The scholarship is only available for undergraduate coursework and at non-profit universities. Any student from Glide who has not received the scholarship for 4 years or completed a Bachelors degree is eligible to apply. To download an application click HERE . You will need to go to File and click Make Copy.
You can also get a hard copy in the Counseling Center, or a Microsoft Word document emailed to you. The application turn in process HAS CHANGED. You will now submit it to the email address listed on the application. You only need to turn in ONE copy of the application. You can submit it either by paper to the counseling center (mail or in person) or you can email your completed application.
Josh Bidwell Foundation Scholarship Deadline: April 25
A $10,000 scholarship to a Douglas County graduating senior. Must have a 3.5 GPA or higher, active in school and community activities. Special consideration given to applicants whose immediate family has been affected by cancer.
Josh Bidwell Foundation Athletic Scholarship Deadline: April 25
One $5,000 scholarship for a Douglas County graduating senior. 3.5 GPA or higher and lettered in one or more varsity sports. School and community activities also taken into consideration. Special consideration given to applicants with an immediate family member affected by cancer.
Sutherlin Eagles Deadline: April 30
The Sutherlin Eagles are giving out seven $1000 scholarships to Douglas County high school seniors. Turn in the scholarship to Ms. Libolt by noon on April 30th.
OnPoint Community Credit Union Scholar Program Deadline: April 30
The scholar program recognizes graduating seniors who have achieved a 3.50 or higher GPA and earned a varsity letter in an OSAA-sanctioned sport or competed in an OSAA-sanctioned activity (band, choir, cheerleading).
Glide FFA Alumni Scholarship Addendum
due date: May 1st, 2025
Students must be a current in Glide FFA, a 2.5 GPA and at least 1 year in a FFA Chapter. Applicants will need to turn in the Ben Serafin Scholarship with this addendum that is attached HERE. The scholarships given out will be from $250-$1,000. Past recipients are also eligible to apply. Glide Garden Club Scholarship
Due date: May 1st, 2025
The Glide Garden Club sponsors a $500 scholarship for a qualifying Glide High School graduating senior who plans to attend Umpqua Community College in the fall of the year in which he or she graduates. The scholarship is designated specifically for the purchase of textbooks over the course of the school year and may include the purchase of supplies as required by instructors.
The student may enroll in any of the two-year degree programs, including pursuit of a vocational career or trade offered at U.C.C. If the student intends to attend U.C.C. for a second year, he or she may again apply (along with the spring pool of applicants from G.H.S.) for the Glide Garden Club Scholarship the following spring by contacting the club (P.O. Box 681, Glide, OR 97443) by the first Monday in March. Please click HERE for instructions and click HERE to apply
$750 awarded to a student who is pursuing a professional trade, beauty school, technical institute, or apprenticeship programs. The Chapter goal is to help younger generations become productive members of their communities in the future. Three letters of recommendation of required (one must be from a community member NOT associated with the school).
Douglas County Timber Operators Deadline: May 10
Every year, DTO awards three, $2500 scholarships for students pursuing a college degree in a natural resources related field. Applicants must live in Coos, Douglas and Lane counties.
The Oregon Small Woodlands Douglas Country Chater Scholarship
Due date: May 31, 2025
Applicants must be residents of Douglas County. Applicants must have the intention to pursue a major in a forestry or
natural resources, from Umpqua Community College or Oregon State University.
natural resources, from Umpqua Community College or Oregon State University.
Please click HERE for application
Scholarships- outside Glide/Roseburg Community
Scholarships- outside Glide/Roseburg Community
Oregon Scottish Rite Education Foundation Deadline: March 30
Applicants must be residents of the State of Oregon entering or continuing as undergraduates at an accredited college, university, or trade school. Grants are awarded on the evidence submitted. A Masonic relationship is not required. Annual awards range from $2,000, $3,000 to $30,000 ($15,000 per year for two years).
Oregon Jaycee Foundation
Deadline: April 18th 2025
Up to $15,000 in scholarships will be awarded to several graduating Oregon high school seniors in theClass of 2025. Most of the scholarships will be a one-time grant and must be used in the year awarded.
One scholarship awarded will be a four-year, $1,000/year scholarship. The final selection of a recipient
will be based on the following criteria: academic excellence, personal accomplishments, leadership
qualities, and community service.
Please click HERE to apply or come to the counseling office.
Far West Agribusiness Association Deadline: April 4
FWAA members pursuing a degree from a college or university in the US, Children and grandchildren of FWAA members or a legal dependent of an FWAA member are eligible to apply.
Due date: March 26, 2025
The Oregon Federation of Women’s Clubs (OFWC) is conducting their annual Scholarship Contest for High School Seniors in the area of Fine Arts.
There will be four scholarships awarded in the following areas:
$1,000 Instrumental.
$1,000 Vocal
$1,000 Art
$1,000 Essay
Please click HERE to apply for scholarships.
OSSA Scholarships
COSA also assists in processing scholarships for the Oregon Small Schools Association. The $1000 scholarships are for students of OSSA member districts. Two scholarships each will be awarded in 1A, 2A and 3A districts. Applications must be submitted by April 5, 2025 and results will be announced in May 2024.
CLICK HERE to view more information and access the scholarship applications.
Teacher Education Scholarship
Due date April 15, 2025
Oregon's PTA’s teacher education scholarship is for Oregon residents studying for a degree in education at any Oregon public college or university. The scholarship is a one-time award of $1,000 and is not renewable.
Click HERE to apply
Willamette Valley Section of the Society of Women Engineers
The scholarships will be awarded primarily on the basis of scholastic achievement, submitted essay, school/community involvement, work experience, financial need, and finally neatness of the completed application. Here is a quick link to the flyer which you can post.A student only needs to fill out one application to be considered for all three scholarships listed.
The applicant must be:
a female high school senior planning to enroll in a four or five year ABET accredited engineering program in the fall of 2025 and pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering currently attending a high school in the Willamette Valley or Central Oregon Coast regions with zip codes 973xx or 974xx
The applicant must be:
a female high school senior planning to enroll in a four or five year ABET accredited engineering program in the fall of 2025 and pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering currently attending a high school in the Willamette Valley or Central Oregon Coast regions with zip codes 973xx or 974xx
Please click HERE to apply
2025 Build A Better Future scholarship
Due date: April 7, 2025 at 11:59 Mountain Time
$10,000 to five new seniors, with the top recipient receiving an additional $5,000 grant to continue funding their project
To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must be graduating high school seniors planning on attending an accredited college or university in the United States of America. Additionally, students must have met all of the requirements described on this website ( Employees of Honors Graduation and their families are not eligible to participate. Submissions must be received before the deadlines in order to qualify for the scholarship program. Mailed applications must be postmarked by that deadline. There are no citizenship requirements.
Please click HERE to apply and learn more about the scholarship.
Click HERE to apply Scholarships Available
Students: Here are some scholarships search services available for you to use. I have heard each of these are legitimate but have not been all the way through them. I would just caution you to not pay for any scholarships. Scholarships are intended to give you money- not the other way around. If you have concerns about a scholarship you see- Do not apply for it! Some of the sites have items to purchase. You have no obligation to purchase things and it will not increase your chances of being selected.
9th-12th Grade yearly timeline
Please click HERE to view a timeline for 9th grade-12 grade and what students will need to do to keep on track to graduate and be successful in their time at Glide High School
It’s a Plan- Senior Check list
September checklist
-Students should explore careers that they may be interested in and what education it would take for them to get there
-Students should create a list of at least five colleges with deadline information
-Testing dates should be advertised
-Students should be reviewing transcripts to make sure they have the classes that they need to apply to college
-Students should also learn about the FAFSA process
October checklist
-Encourage students to make a list of their school and work experience to create a sample resume
-Students should be writing personal essays, using college or scholarship application essay prompts
-Make a list of activities and awards that you have received
-Narrow down your list of colleges and go on tours
Fill out your FAFSA
November checklist
-Help students to narrow their college choices; encourage students to always have a backup plan
-Hold field trips to visit colleges or attend college fairs
-Remind students to add all of the schools where they plan to apply to the FAFSA
-Remind students to keep track of deadlines and gather the information they will need to apply to college, the FAFSA and/ or scholarships
-Encourage students to complete the FAFSA if they haven’t done so already, as well as other financial aid and scholarships
-Check email regularly as this is the main way that most colleges will communicate with students
December checklist
-Meet with current college students as well as alumni to see what college is really like
-Create an OSAC profile and search for scholarships to apply to
-Use winter break to catch up on any lingering details in the college application process
-Make sure that to include ALL of the information necessary on applications
-Also meet with parents of college students to find out about the transition process to college and what you should expect
January checklist
-If male make sure to register with the selective service within 30 days of turning 18. If they do not do this they will not be eligible for federal financial aid
-Make any changes that need to be made to the FAFSA by March 15th
-Update your OSAC profile and continue to fill out application forms
-Update your list of scholarships and apply to the ones that have upcoming deadlines
February checklist
-Research what the college what immunizations the college that you would like to attend require
-If necessary get caught up on all immunizations
-Finish writing and editing all scholarship application essays
-Apply to as many scholarships as possible
-Attend college preview days in order to get to know the campus and the people
-Make any necessary changes to your FAFSA by March 15th
March checklist
-Colleges look at second semester grades don’t start slacking off
-Stay involved with extracurricular activities and take advantage of other experiences
-Apply for summer enrichment programs, internships, or jobs
-Make plans for college orientation in the summer
April checklist
-Acceptance letters should be coming in the mail
-Share your acceptances with counselors, parents, and friends
-FAFSA and financial aid letters should be coming shortly after
-Make your final decision on which school you will be attending
-Compare the size, location, cost, and extracurricular activities
May checklist
-Check if your college requires a placement test. If it does, arrange to take it as soon as possible while it is still on your mind
-Make sure that you are prepared for what is coming next
-Figure out what to bring and create a budget as a way to track your expenses
Events and Job Opportunities
Celebrate the next generation of STEM Leaders!
Join the exclusive group of forward-thinking corporations, foundations, organizations, and individuals that provide support for ISEF. ISEF sponsors and partners are essential to the success of the program and to the future of STEM.
For information on how to become an ISEF sponsor or partner, please email Shannon Giorgianni, Director of Philanthropic Partnerships, at
High Schools can choose from hands-on credit programs to take at UCC on Fridays. You can learn a new skill, earn college credits, and get on track early to start a career-all before graduating High school. Please click HERE to see programs offered.
Washington State University is pleased to announce that a Junior Veterinary Scribe Certificate is now being offered to current high school students ages 16 and 17.
The course consists of 10 asynchronous online learning modules, meaning the students can complete the program at their own pace. Upon completion, the student will receive a certificate acknowledging their success in completing the Junior Veterinary Scribe certificate.
What Are the Student Benefits of This Certification?
· Additional skill sets for obtaining a job while in high school or in a post-graduation veterinary career. Career possibilities include full or part time scribing for remote online companies, in-clinic scribing careers and further education for receptionists, veterinary assistants, and other team members.
· A unique educational experience earning an entire certificate in the field of veterinary scribing to showcase on both college and job applications.
· The ability to demonstrate professional communication with the ability to facilitate appointments and client interactions to strengthen the veterinary-client-patient relationship within the veterinary practice.
· Prepare for college level courses with the introduction to veterinary medical terminology, anatomy and physiology and pharmacology.
· Any student interested in the basics of:
Medical terminology
Animal anatomy and physiology
Medical record transcription
Professional Communication
Why WSU?
The certificate improves the student’s college application by adding a unique educational experience, as WSU College of Veterinary Medicine is the first and only educational institution to offer a certificate for veterinary scribes! This certificate does not provide college course credits but an entire certification in the field of veterinary scribing.
If you are interested in your students attending a Zoom presentation regarding the online junior veterinary scribe certificate combined with the undergraduate studies for both veterinary and public health related fields available on campus at WSU, please reach out to Veronica Sweeney set up a meeting for your students. I am very excited to bring this new unique opportunity to high school students across the country!
Veronica Sweeney, LVT
Paraprofessional Program Administrative Manager
College of Veterinary Medicine
Washington State University
Mobile: 570-687-4589